
PureGen Outdoor Filter PGM942 (5 layer of sand)


PUREGEN PGM942 Outdoor Sand Water Filtration System

Puregen™ Water Guard Filter consists layers of Microcite media. The microcite media will serve removal of silts, mud, harmful organic matters, impurities and suspended particles in the raw water.

Cook tasty food with water free from impurities · No more smelly, yellowish and muddy drinking water ·
Clean and stain free laundry · Prevent skid allergies, itchiness and rashes with clear filtered water.

  • Cleanest water up to 10 micron
  • Top USA Filtration Technology
  • 400% Finer filtration with Microcite media
  • No cartridge replacement
  • Large capacity with effective filtration


Performance Table        
Model PGM 942 PGM 1044 PGM 1054
Operation Manual self backwash
Dimension 9' (DIA) x 42' (H) 10' (DIA) x 44' (H) 10' (DIA) x 54' (H)
Flowrate (Us gpm) / (lit/min)  5.7/26 7.1/32 7.1/32
Housing Material High grade of Fiber Reinforced Plastic
Media Microcite Media
Warranty 10 years on FRP Tank against mfg defect
Complete with Manual Multiport Valve, Inlet strainer, central core




SKU: Puregen PGM942

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